The Journal Simbio-Logias became from the proposal of a transdisciplinary knowledge, where researchers from a diversity of areas estabilishes not only interdisciplaniry relationship, but, promotes too conceptuals and methodological integrations , opening new paths to a process of human (auto)interrogacion and a knowledge progress.

The transdiciplinary inspiration gives support to our convictions that the "Logias" - this is, the paradigm or closed ways to try to learn the reality - are incomplete and insufficient for we face the actual knowledge and culture panorama, and we should invest our efforts in a productive dialog between the researchers of different formations, to search a true cognitive symbiosis. The intention of that integration that creates "Simbio-Logias".

Special editions may occur with the approach of specifc themes


Education and Teachers Formation
- Methodology of Natural Sciences Teaching 
- Environmental Education
- Education, School and Society
- Language, Imaginary and Education
- Learning Process

Philosophy: History and Science Philosophy
- Neurosciences and Cognition
- Ethic and Professional Exercise

Nutrition and Foods 

 - Foods: science, tecnology and susteinable production.

 -Nutrition, Alimentation and the nutritional problems in the community.

 -Experimental Nutrition and Clinic Nutrition